Thursday, March 16, 2006

Five runs, six days

So it's Thursday, and this was the fifth run I've done in six days - and the days "off" was playing Ultimate. I wasn't feeling too great - legs stiff, knees a little tender. In fact, I've decided that the only way I'm going to be able to run this marathon is to cut down the amount of running I do and give my knees some chance to recover - which means two days off and then I'm going to try to go into an alternating routine - day of exercise followed by a day of rest. That's the theory anyway.

On top of that I'll be trying to increase the length of my runs over the next couple of weeks. Nothing outrageous - I'll only do a fifteen mile run at most, and maybe not even that.

The other change to my plan is that I'm going to cut out Oakwood and try to do the Town Park instead. That's to avoid doing hills, which while great for imcreasing muscle mass (you should the thickness of my calves!) is terrible for my knees - you end up pulling yourself up the hills - straining your knees all the way. Then you get to the top and start smashing your feet into the ground all the way down. There's only so much shock absorbing my trainers can do....

Anyway - the run. Fast, at a shade over 27 minutes and short. Had to go out to the pub afterwards, and to be honest didn't think I'd be able to cope with a long run given how my calves felt. Hopefully the rest will do them some good!


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