Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Some days I come home from work and a run doesn't seem too horrible an idea. Other times I'd rather walk on hot coals. Today was one of the latter days.

I don't know exactly what it is that makes the difference. The cold definitely makes it worse - I can't imagine genuinely wanting to go out running at the moment - but it's not the real reason. I guess there's a certain amount of fatigue, both from running itself, and from not sleeping well due to my recent illness. Oh, and maybe a little bit of knee trouble from yesterday's Ultimate. When will I learn? (well maybe soon - I've given up everything but work Ultimate and the Indoor League tournament that I'm organising till after the marathon)

So, I got myself changed and went out to the big open air freezer that they call Enfield, and headed out for my half hour. Yes - half hour. Too bloody right - I don't want to freeze to death ;)

I was aiming for a nice leisurely run - something to keep my knees ticking over, and get the token miles in, without risking injury. Gently up the hill until I came to the top - just as I was reaching the island in between the carriageways a stream of vehicles arrived. Turning car - wait. Another - wait. Another - wait. I keep running on the spot, waiting my turn. Wait. Wait. Wait. How many cars can there be? I eventually find a space and continue on, but suddenly I'm feeling as if I need to push to have a chance at a decent time. Damn.

I keep it strong but steady for the rest of the run. Never really trying to push myself, but not trying to pay too much attention to whether I'm going up or down hills.

Back here in 27 and a half minutes. Dinner goes on (thanks again to Hazel - she's a star) and ten minutes later I'm warmed down and eating.

Oops - I need to remember to drink. Bye!


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